core customers

How Do I Determine Which Opportunities are Right for My Business?

How Do I Determine Which Opportunities are Right for My Business?

When you’re planning your marketing efforts, it’s important to determine which actions best align with your brand vision and values. It’s important to know when to say '“YES” and when to say “NO” to the projects that come across your desk and the platforms where your brand can be found.

Create Your Niche

Create Your Niche

A niche is defined by Merriam-Webster as "a place, employment, status, or activity for which a person or thing is best fitted."

A lot of people talk about finding a niche for your small business, but it can be difficult to do. Narrowing your business scope to deliver one great product or service line to one specific group of core customers can be scary.

Identify Your Core Customers

Identify Your Core Customers

Customers are at the heart of your business. Without them, you have no sales, which means you have nothing at all. Identifying your core customers will help you grow your business.

Your core customers are the base of your customer group and the people for whom you should write your marketing messages. Your core customers are the people who value your products and services most.