The Interview Series: Spotlight on Amy Lu

Tell me a little about you and your company.

I adore creating practical parenting and pregnancy resources. The educator in me gets such fulfillment from helping parents find success with their children. On Making Motherhood Matter, I share my passion for parenting, as I am also a mama to two little ones. Through blogging, I have found the perfect creative outlet to blend my affection for teaching, parenting, and writing.

How long have you owned your own business?

I have owned my business since 2015. Although I have been writing for years, including publications such as The Huffington Post and Her View From Home, I launched Making Motherhood Matter in May of 2016.

What made you decide to start your own business?

Being an entrepreneur runs in my blood. My great-grandfather, my grandfather, and my father were all entrepreneurs who had their own companies. Dreaming big comes naturally to me. I have so many ideas and resources to help parents, it only made sense to begin sharing them through Making Motherhood Matter.

What was the best advice you received when you started your career?

Only pursue this line of work if you are truly passionate about it, because being an entrepreneur can be difficult.

What do you wish someone had told you when you started your business?

There may be moments that you feel like you are the only person who believes in yourself and your dream, but if you don't give up, you will find others who believe in your cause too.

What are the three skills that new entrepreneurs need in order to succeed?

Perseverance, stamina, and confidence.

What routines do you have in place to help your days run smoothly?

Planning, planning and more planning. I try to do all of my work while my kids are sleeping either during naptime or nighttime so that I can focus on being the best mom I can be while they are awake. In order to do this, I plan ahead. Every Monday I start by planning out my week. In addition, I have days designated for specific tasks that I need to complete on a weekly basis. I also have created a promotion page for each article I post, with a list of all of the social media platforms. I am a list queen. I make lists and set idea time limits for how long I can spend on each item. This helps me to stay focused and maximize my time.

How do you find balance as an entrepreneur?

I reflect on how to maintain balance often. I am constantly wondering how can I be better or do better. Working while my kids are sleeping is one way for me to keep balance in my life. Also, taking a break from anything work related for an entire day, helps me to refocus my priorities.

What is your favorite thing about being an entrepreneur?

My favorite part is the creativity it allows me.

What do you do to unwind?

I enjoy doing yoga or reading to unwind.

What is a project that you are working on right now or just finished?

Right now, I am working on the free parenting webinar called "7 Tools for Taming Toddler Tantrums." This webinar is packed with valuable resources for parents including: 7 practical tools for taming tantrums, a positive reinforcement chart, links to powerful resources, a live question and answer session, and an opportunity to join a community of parents in the same phase of life. I am excited to host three of these free parenting webinars in August (11th, 17th, & 23rd) and again in October.

How can people get in touch with you?

I would love to connect! Come join me here:

Website / Facebook / Pinterest / Instagram

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